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15 Best Remedies to Get Rid of Rosacea Red Face Naturally

Rosacea Treatment: How to Get Rid of Redness on Face


Rosacea is a condition that affects millions of people all over the globe. Rosacea is a type of non-contagious skin inflammation. What causes rosacea? Rosacea usually causes a persistent redness and visible blood vessels in your face. Acne rosacea can cause rosacea spots, redness and pimples. Commonly, red skin is found around or on the nose or on the cheeks. You can see rosacea around eyes. Is there a cure for rosacea? What to do for rosacea cheeks?


How to Get Rid of Rosacea


Red blotchy skin on the cheeks and face can make your otherwise clear skin look irritated and splotchy. If you are one of those who want to get rid of red face, then there are many things that you can actually do to help rosacea. Home remedies are effective on how to get rid of redness on face.

Rosacea face is a chronic skin condition that results in reddened skin, scaling, and swelling of affected areas such as cheeks, forehead, nose, and chin due to an enlargement of blood vessels under the skin. Acne rosacea causes redness in your face and it produces small, red, pus-filled bumps or pustules.

Blotchy red face skin of rosacea rash gives you a ruddy appearance that may not be desirable. So you should find out a way to get rid of severe rosacea on cheeks and red nose rosacea as soon as possible. Home remedies and natural rosacea skin treatments will help you to reduce rosacea symptoms on face. Read on to find out how to get rid of rosacea using natural remedies.


How to Get rid of Rosacea - Best Natural Remedies for Rosacea Cheeks.


How do you treat rosacea? The home remedies for rosacea listed below will help nourish and moisturize the face, reducing the signs of rosacea on face and create a healthy glow.


1. You can use vitamin E oil to get rid of red spots on skin, brown spots on face, and facial redness. For getting rid of cheek redness or flushing, simply apply the Vitamin E oil or cream on your red blotches on face and rosacea around nose so that it can relax your skin and bring it back to its real color.


2. Tea tree oil is effective on how to get rid of acne redness. You can use tea tree oil as rosacea treatment to get rid of rosacea spots on face, rosacea on forehead, and rosacea on neck. Tea tree oil can help reduce the inflammation from acne rosacea. Apply a few drops of tea tree oil on your rosacea cheeks and reddened face everyday. It is also helpful in reducing the redness of the acute stage of acne and little red bumps on skin.


3. Can rosacea be cured using castor oil?. If you constantly deal with rosacea papules and redness on the face, then you can apply castor oil to get rid of rosacea pustules. Regular application of castor oil over the redness in face will reduce facial scars and rosacea red skin naturally.


4. Get rid of rosacea pimples using aloe vera. Aloe vera remedy will minimize rosacea bumps and facial redness while cooling off irritated skin. It reduces inflammation and itch and also moisturizes the dry skin on face. Apply aloe vera gel to the reddened face in the morning and at night. In a few days, the red spots and facial redness will return back to normal color.

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5. How to get rid of facial redness using honey? A simple honey mask can help you on how to get rid of redness on face. Spread a thin layer of honey over your cleansed face or just the areas where you have rosacea spots. Leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing the mask off with cold water to reduce rosacea skin problem on face. It will also help you get rid of small red bumps on skin.


6. How to get rid of mild rosacea on face using egg mask? An egg-based mask has an exfoliating effect and reduces rosacea symptoms on face such as skin redness and inflammation. Beat 1 egg, take a cotton pad and apply the mask to a freshly washed face. Leave the solution on for 20 minutes and wash it off with some warm water. It will help soothe your skin and reduce the rosacea skin problem as well.


7. Milk and manuka honey scrub can be applied to get rid of rosacea rash. Milk gently removes dead skin cells without aggravating the redness on the face. Manuka honey does wonders for rosacea sensitive skin. It moisturizes, heals blemishes, and calms inflammation. Even better, manuka honey lessens rosacea pimples and redness and gives your facial skin an overall healthier texture.


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8. You can use oatmeal on your skin to get rid of rosacea face. Oatmeal clears the red spots and brings the color of the skin to normal. The natural anti-inflammatory properties found in oatmeal can reduce inflammation that causes rosacea redness and can help hydrate dry skin.


9. Baking soda is a great way for  rosacea facial. It will clear up acne, get rid of acne scars, reduce redness, and to tighten pores. It has anti-inflammatory properties and the regular use of baking soda will help reduce the appearance of red spots and redness on face. Just mix 1/4 cup of honey with 2 tablespoons of baking soda. Soak a washcloth with the mixture and then apply over your face for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. This acne rosacea treatment can reduce redness by effectively removing dead skin cells on face.


10. Coconut oil the best home remedy on how to get rid of redness on face of rosacea since it nourishes and moisturizes red areas with its fatty acids. Regular use of coconut oil for face massage before going to bed reduces inflammation and dry red spots or red skin on face. Coconut oil natural treatment is especially good with reducing rosacea flare-ups.


11. Cucumber’s natural anti-inflammatory properties calm and soothe rosacea skin disease or reddened skin by sunburn. Placing cucumber slices on the rosacea skin on the central face across the cheeks, nose, or forehead is a good daily skin care routine to cure mild rosacea on face. It can create a cool soothing effect that will help get rid of redness.


12. Chamomile is a soothing herb that can help you on how to get rid of redness on face affected by rosacea. Boil dried chamomile flowers and strain them to extract the essence of the flower. Then, take a clean cloth and soak it in the chamomile tea, wring it out gently and place it on the reddened cheeks and other affected areas on your face. It serves as a good natural rosacea treatment. Repeat the application on your face until you find relief from rosacea skin problem.


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13. A thin layer of calamine lotion or a light cream containing hydrocortisone can be applied to the red face twice daily until the redness on face decreases. Both products contain ingredients that reduce redness as well as provide soothing relief for itching and help to heal skin.


14. If facial redness or flushing occurs every so often, relieve your discomfort by applying a cold, wet cloth or a paper towel wrapped around ice to the flushed areas of your face. Rosacea skin treatment using ice can help dramatically diminish the swelling and redness on face.


15. The sun's harmful UV rays increase facial redness and flushing associated with rosacea and photodermatitis. Avoid exposure to the sun to get rid of rosacea. Keep applying sunscreen to block out the sun rays. Look for sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Wearing protective clothing and hats is one the best ways to cover your skin to give it time to heal to get rid of redness.


Diet for Reducing Rosacea Redness on Face


how to get rid of rosacea redness

A proper diet can help get rid of severe rosacea skin rash by reducing the size of your blood vessels. Avoid rosacea triggers. Consume foods rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, such as Mackerel, salmon, walnuts, and flax seed oil as they have a calming effect on inflamed skin. Cherries, blackberries, and blueberries are also beneficial fruits. They act as vasoconstrictors, constricting your blood vessels and reducing the red flush sensation.

Spicy foods, hot beverages, and hot food may trigger redness in your face. Avoid rosacea triggers such as spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine. Alcohol and caffeine seem to dilate the blood vessels, which will make your flushes on the face worse.

If redness on face does not heal on its own, applying these home remedies for skin condition rosacea can help you get rid of signs of rosacea and rejuvenate the skin on face effectively. In case, the red skin on your face does not subside, it is best to see your doctor or dermatologist for better rosacea treatment.


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