26 Best Remedies on How to Remove Dark Spots on Face
How to Get Remove Dark Spots on Face Getting dark spots on your skin or lentigines …
How to Get Remove Dark Spots on Face Getting dark spots on your skin or lentigines …
Getting dark spots on your skin or lentigines are usually the result of hyperpigmentation.Wondering how to remove dark spots on face? Luckily, there are many possible treatments to fade or permanently remove dark spots, such as acid peels and laser treatments. Home remedy treatments are the most economical and effective ways to remove dark spots on face , brown spots on skin, dark patches on skin, and age spots fast and get even colored and glowing younger looking skin.
Lemon juice, castor oil, vinegar, papaya, and aloe vera are some of the best treatment options to help to reduce brown spots and even out skin tone, remove liver spots on face, and age spots. Aloe vera works especially well if you have dark spots caused by sun exposure.
There are many skin whitening creams available in the market to help you on how to remove black spots on face. A hydroquinone based skin lightening cream helps to get rid of lentigines on face. Hydroquinone is a strong inhibitor of melanin production. Simple homemade treatments can also help you on how to remove brown spots on face.
Applying dark spot remover home remedies that allow the skin to regenerate will help these dark marks and liver spots on face fade more quickly.
Dark spot on face are one of the most common problems that appear on aging or unhealthy skin, and they are also one of the most dreaded. Dark spots, such as age spots, sun spots, and melasma can appear on your face, hands, shoulders, and legs. Women get more distressed when they have to suffer from dark spot problem on their facial skin.
What causes dark spots on face? There could several causes for having freckles, brown spots, age spots and other dark marks on the face, and the leading cause of dark spots, liver spots, and/or freckles is sun damage.
Excessive exposure to sun for a long period of time causes a concentration of melanin, which results in the appearance of dark patches on skin. Discoloration on your face or lentigines may also appear because of genetics, hormonal changes, stress, liver disease, pregnancy, or regular use of low quality skin care products.
If you have dark spots and patches on face, it can be embarrassing and lead to low self esteem. How to get rid of dark spots on face? You can try some lentigines treatment and home remedies to get rid of dark spots and to reduce discoloration. Here are the best treatment for dark spots on face.
How to clear dark spots on the face? There exists so many natural remedies toreduce discoloration on your face. Following are some of the best natural dark spot corrector remedies to get rid of black spots on skin and age spots that are easy and safe to use.
1. Lentigines on Skin Treatment - Lemon Juice to Remove Dark Spots on Face
A quick way for dark spot removal is applying lemon juice twice daily to the black spots on skin. Vitamin C in lemon lightens the dark patches on the face. This remedy is effective to reduce the appearance of melasma, freckles, age spots, rosacea and other skin blemishes.
You can also dab horseradish, honey, or apple cider vinegar on top of the lemon to enhance the effect of this dark spot treatment. These will lighten scars left behind by acne blemishes. Continue applying this home remedy for at least 2 weeks, to get rid of dark marks fast.
2. Home Remedy for dark spots on face -Red Onion Juice for Brown Spots on Face
Another popular way on how to get rid dark spots on face and age spots naturally is to apply onion juice. Dip a clean cotton swab into the onion juice and then dab it directly on the on the black dots on skin and allow to dry for getting rid of lentigines in your face. Use this natural home remedy for freckles, brown spots, sunspots, age spots, melasma, and other blemishes on facial skin fast. It is also best for getting rid of acne redness.
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3. How get rid dark spots - Apple Cider Vinegar Home Remedy for dark spots on face
Apple cider vinegar treatment is best in reducing brown spots on face. One of the best natural remedy for dark skin spot on face is to apply a diluted mixture of hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar to the affected skin. Leave it on for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water. Apply this home remedy daily as an effective acne, age spots, and black spots treatment.
4.Potatoes Home Remedy on How to remove black spots on face
Potatoes are one of the best natural ways to remove liver spots. Apply potato slices directly to the brown spots, freckles, liver spots on face or blemishes on skin. You can also apply a face mask made from honey and grated potato to lighten black dots on face. This homemade recipe will reduce skin pigmentation and to get rid of spots on face overnight.
5.Home Remedy for dark spots on face - Onion and Garlic for Dark Brown Spots on Skin
Onion and garlic have natural skin-lightening properties, which can help to clear dark spots on the face. Make a paste of onion and garlic and apply it on the black spots on face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it thoroughly until the smell goes.
6. How get rid dark spots - Papaya Remedy for Dark Brown Spots on Skin
Are you being worried by freckles, age spots, liver spots, and brown spots on face. Apply the pulp of papaya on the skin and leave this mask on your skin for 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off to get rid dark spots. This is one of the best home remedies for red face. The many enzymes found in this papaya fruit helps to even out the skin tone and fade or remove black spots on face.
7. Horseradish Juice on How to Get rid of lentigines
Horseradish acts as one of the best dark spots remover for treating dark patches on skin and liver spots on face. Apply horseradish juice mixed with warm milk to get rid of black dots on skin, age spots, and acne marks. Follow this lentigines treatment for at least two weeks for lightening your pigmented skin and removing blemishes and spots on skin.
8. Sour Milk Dark Spot Remover for Getting Rid of Dark Skin Spots
Sour milk is another best natural method on how to remove dark spots on face. Apply sour milk or buttermilk to your brown spots with a cotton swab and leave it on for 15 minutes. Rinse and repeat daily for 30 days and then apply once or twice per week for black dots on nose removal. Sour milk acts as a natural cleanser and reduces dark spots in your face considerably.
Apply a face mask of sour milk, cream, and honey to the area and let it sit there for about 20 minutes to get rid dark spots. Honey will moisturize the skin to aid rejuvenation and the sour cream or milk lightens, brightens, and tones skin complexion. This is another best natural method on how to get rid of dark spots on face overnight.
9. Dark Spot Remover Strawberries for removing black patches on Face
Another best natural method to get rid of dark spot on face is applying strawberries. Strawberry face mask helps in the quick removal of dark spots on your skin. Mash strawberries and peeled apricots together to make a paste. Then, apply this dark spot remover paste to your face, leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. This is another best natural way to get rid of dark spots on skin.
10. Parsley Natural Treatment for Removing Dark Spots on Skin
Parsley is one of the best herbs for treating dark spots. Chop 1 cup fresh parsley and make tea by placing in a pot with 2 cups water and boil for 15 minutes. Strain the parsley from the infusion and add 5 to 10 drops of fresh lemon juice. Allow the liquid to cool and apply it to your black dots on skin with a cotton ball. This is one of the best natural ways to remove acne marks. This natural treatment will also help get rid of redness, and blackheads on face.
11. How to Remove Dark Spots on Face with Orange Peel Powder
Dry orange peel powder is an excellent skin spot lightening product. To get rid of dark spots, you can try a face pack made from dried powdered orange peels mixed with yogurt.
For removing dark spots on your face fast, make powder of dried orange peel, add a few drops of lemon juice, milk cream, and honey and make a paste. Apply this mask on the discolored skin on face and neck and leave it on for about 15 minutes before washing it off. This home remedy will clear skin discoloration and dark marks on skin.
12. How to Get rid of Black Spots on face by Wearing Sunscreen
The best way to treat black spots on skin is to prevent them from forming in the first place. Wear sunscreen on your face at all times, even during the winter, to prevent sun spots from forming on the face. Apply sunscreen lotion generously on your face to protect your skin from UV rays and to remove black spots on face.
You can also try using sunscreen with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide as they give maximum protection from the sun and prevent skin damage and black dots on skin. Sunscreen must be applied at least thirty minutes before going outdoors in order for it to take effect. It helps to prevent further dark brown spots and skin discolorations.
13. How to remove black spots on face using Green Tea Extracts
Green tea extracts can also be applied to the dark pigmented skin. Green tea extract is rich in antioxidants, which help protect the body from the free radicals, while supporting a healthy collagen production in the skin.
14. Sandalwood Powder to Remove black spots from face
For Getting rid of dark spots, brown spots and other skin discolorations, make a concentrated paste of sandalwood powder, glycerin, and rose water and apply over the face for a few minutes. You can also add milk or honey instead of rose water. This is possibly the best home remedy to remove black spots from face fast.
15. Castor Oil Dark Spot Remover
Caster oil is another best natural ingredient for removing dark spots on face. Apply castor oil twice a day to bleach the dark locations. Gently rub the oil into your skin using circular motions. This spot removal remedy will reduce blemishes or other skin discolorations.
16. Milk Remedy for Getting Rid of Dark Spots on Skin
Apply milk on your black spots on skin. When applied topically, the lactic acid in milk will gradually reduce skin's pigmentation and lighten, brighten, and tone skin complexion. Dab the milk with a cotton ball and apply it directly to your brown spots on face. Leave it on for 8-10 minutes and wash it off. This will help you on how to get rid of dark spots from acne. Apply this dark spot home remedy twice a day for 6 weeks to clear dark spots on the face.
17. Vitamin E Treatment for Black Spots on Face
Vitamin E serves as an effective solution for reducing dark spots on face. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, it protects the skin and helps in evening skin discolorations and fading black dots on skin and other dark blemishes on the face and skin. Open a Vitamin E capsule and apply the liquid to your red and dark skin spots before you go to bed. Or you may consider finding a dark spot removal cream that is rich in vitamin E to lighten dark patches on face and even out skin tone.
18. How to get rid of dark spots on face using Aloe Vera
You may use aloe vera for dark spots. Rub aloe vera juice or gel directly onto dark skin pigments and brown spots once or twice daily for a few weeks.
19. How to Remove Dark Spots in your Face using Cucumber Juice
Cucumber juice is one of the best home remedies for dark spots on face. Application of cucumber juice helps reduce acne scars and black spots on face effectively. Cucumber and lime juice mixture is also effective in the treatment on how to get rid of dark spots from acne.
20. How to Get Rid of Dark Spots with Baking Soda
Exfoliation is a popular way on how to get rid of dark spots fast. For removing red acne marks, acne scars or hyper pigmentation, it is important to exfoliate your skin at least once a week. Exfoliation peel off the dead skin cells from the skin's surface, thereby reducing dark marks.
Exfoliate your black spots on skin with a paste of 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Gently rub the baking soda paste in circular motions over your entire face to clear all dead skin, and wash it off with plenty of water.
21. Sea Buckthorn Seed Oil to Get Rid of Black Spots on Face
Sea buckthorn is a cosmetic aid with nourishing and revitalizing action. Sea buckthorn seed oil is a dark spot remover used for dark pigmentation spots to help reduce skin discolorations, brown age spots, and other blemishes on face. This oil will moisturize your skin and its high vitamin C content will help remove dark spots.
22. How to remove dark spots on face using Ginger
Ginger is added to skincare products for a number of different benefits. This is one of the effective home remedies for dark spots on face. Ginger helps lighten brown age spots and improves circulation. Ginger contains the antioxidant gingerol, which fights skin-damaging free radicals and promotes smooth and even skin tone. After cleaning your skin, apply a few slices of ginger to the spots for 20 minutes. Regular use of this remedy reduces the dark brown spots, freckles, melasma skin discoloration, and other blemishes from the facial skin.
23. Rose Hip Oil to Get Rid of Facial Dark Spots
Rose hip seed oil is an excellent emollient and moisturizer, which leaves the skin soft, smooth, and hydrated. It is often added to hydrating lotions and creams. This natural dark spot remedy can be applied directly to the skin even in concentrated forms for removing brown spots on face, sun spots and age spots, and discoloration of skin. Rose hip oil is a superb tissue hydrator with high absorption, penetrating dry skin almost instantly to restore moisture balance.
Regular massaging with rose hip oil will also help reduce the appearance of under eye wrinkles, crows' feet, and fine lines around the mouth. This natural oil can be applied twice daily for about 2 months to reduce scar tissues, stretch marks, wrinkles, dark pigmentation, and brown age spots.
24. Avocado Remedy to Remove Dark Spots
Avocado can be used on how to remove dark spots from face. Avocado is a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, oleic acid and other compounds known to help soothe and heal skin tissues. Spreading a mashed-up avocado on the face is is one of the best dark spot remover remedy that might help heal skin damaged by hyperpigmentation.
25. Turmeric Powder for Getting Rid of Brown Spots on Face
Turmeric powder is one of the best home remedies for dark spots on face. Make a paste of turmeric powder and orange juice. Scrub it on the area that is widely exposed to sun or cold weather. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it with cold water. It is said to effectively remove suntans and fades dark spots on skin quickly.
26. How to Get Rid Of Dark Spots On Face using Exfoliation
Exfoliation removes the top layer of skin, bringing new skin to the surface. Mix enough sugar in lemon juice to make a paste and use it as a scrub on your face, especially on your brown spots. Finally, rinse it off after 5 to 10 minutes. Do this natural treatment a few times a week. You can also add some olive oil in this recipe.
These are some of the most effective homemade remedies on how to remove dark spots from face. Use these homemade dark spot removers on face to reduce brown spots, freckles, age spots or liver spots and to lighter skin tone naturally and fast. You should also keep your facial skin clean by washing your face at least twice a day to reduce black spots on the face. To speed up the healing process, it is better to avoid excessive touching, squeezing or scratching the dark spots on skin.
These are some of the best natural remedies on how to remove dark spots on face. Try these natural dark spot treatment methods and take care of your skin to protect it from dark spots, dark patches, pigmentation, and also some other skin blemishes.
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