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26 Best Remedies on How to Remove Dark Spots on Face

How to Get Rid of Skin Discoloration: Best Remedies to Remove Dark Discoloration of Skin around Mouth

How to Get Rid of Skin Discoloration


Skin discoloration around mouth, forehead, nose, and other areas is not an unusual occurrence. When skin discoloration of melasma occurs during pregnancy it is called chloasma ( a mask of discoloration). How to remove pigmentation from face permanently? To restore an even skin tone and to get rid of discoloration, you may try the following natural home remedies for skin discoloration.


how to get rid of discoloration around mouth

What can cause skin discoloration? Dark skin discoloration or lips is a result of increased pigmentation of the skin (hyperpigmentation), which may take place for a number of reasons.

Melanin tends to concentrate more on certain areas of the skin such as around the mouth, which has the tendency to darken more easily when exposed to sunlight. Also, the skin around mouth is very thinner, making it more prone to dark skin discoloration, dry skin, and wrinkles around mouth. Hormonal changes and lifestyle also make discoloration of skin.


How to Get rid of Skin Discoloration fast - Home Remedies for Dark Skin Discoloration around Mouth


Melasma is a skin pigmentation disorder that appears on the face in the form of tan or brown patches, especially the forehead, cheeks, upper lip, nose, and chin. Dark skin or skin discoloration around lips or chin is quite embarrassing both for women and men. How to get rid of skin discoloration fast? To restore an even skin tone and to get rid of discoloration around mouth, you may try the following natural home remedies for skin discoloration.


1. Skin discoloration treatment - Regular Exfoliation to Get Rid of Skin Discoloration


 Daily exfoliating with a mild and gentle facial scrub helps to remove dry dead skin cells and help get rid of dak skin around the mouth. Sugar granules have a property to exfoliate skin hence removing dead cells. Use natural sugar to exfoliate dark dead skin to remove pigmented skin cells and cleanse the skin. This is the natural home remedy to exfoliate the skin once in a week.  You can also use this remedy to treat skin discoloration of skin on neck.


2. Best treatment for pigmentation on face - Avoid Sun to Prevent Skin Discoloration of Skin on Neck and Face


One of the best natural ways to lighten round skin discoloration on face and neck is to stay away from direct sunlight. To prevent and remove pigmentation from face permanently, it is essential to apply sunscreen lotions regularly. The use of a sunscreen with an SPF factor of 30 will protect the skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. A sunscreen with titanium, zinc, and avobenzone as ingredients is extremely effective in blocking out UVA and UVB rays.

3. Best treatment for pigmentation on face - Lemon Juice Remedy for Melasma Skin Discoloration

You can apply lemon juice to get rid of darkness around mouth due to melasma. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent, which helps in lightening discolored skin and brown spots on face. Massaging the discoloration of skin with the lemon juice is the best home remedy for lightening the dark skin around mouth. It will also reduce dry skin around mouth. If you have eczema on the skin around your mouth or lips, you can use Shea butter along with lemon juice on the eczema skin discoloration.


4. Skin discoloration treatment - Coconut Oil Remedy for hyper-pigmentation and Dark Spots on Skin


If you have dark spots, patches or dry discoloration of skin, use coconut oil and coconut water to lighten skin discoloration and dry skin around mouth. Rub coconut oil on the dark pigmentation on face every night before going to bed. Wash it up in the morning. This is one of the best treatment for pigmentation on face. If you have skin discoloration during pregnancy, regular application of this coconut oil skin discoloration treatment will help you get rid of discolored skin and dryness around mouth fast. Coconut water can also be used as a toner as it makes the skin soft and supple. Wash your face with coconut water at least twice a day for lightening the discoloration of skin. this is one of the best hyperpigmentation treatment for black skin.


5. Best treatment for pigmentation on face - Gram-flour To Get Rid of Discoloration of Skin


Gram-flour can be used to get rid of melasma or hyperpigmentation. Gram flour can cleanse the area and also provides mild exfoliation. Apply gram flour mask on the face regularly as this is the best treatment for pigmentation on face. Prepare a paste using 1 teaspoon of gram flour, 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder, and 1/2 cup of curd.

Apply this skin lightening pack over the dark brown spots and patches on the upper lip area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Rubbing off this mask carefully when it is completely dry will also help to get rid of dead skin cells that make skin around lips appear dry, dark, and wrinkled. Another best home remedy for pigmentation on face with best result.


6. Tomato to Reduce Discolored Skin around Mouth

You can try tomato juice to fade skin discoloration. For lightening the dark skin on lips and around mouth, apply a mixture of 3 to 4 drops of lime juice and a grated tomato on the lips and skin around mouth for about 20 minutes and then wash off gently. This home remedy help to get rid of dark spots around mouth and will enhance your darker skin into a fair complexion. You can also apply this pack to dark skin around eyes to get rid of under eye circles.

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7. Cucumber Remedy to Get Rid of Skin Discoloration

Prepare a mixture of grated cucumber and lime juice. Apply it on the discolored skin around the mouth and leave the treatment for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. This is one of the best home remedies for removing skin discoloration around mouth and for getting rid of dry skin and wrinkles around mouth or laugh lines. You can also apply it over the dark skin around the eyes to remove those dreaded dark circles under eyes.


8. Oatmeal Treatment for Discoloration of the Skin

Apply oatmeal remedy for melasma discoloration of skin. Take some oatmeal along with curd and tomato juice. Apply this mixture on the dark skin around mouth and leave it for a few minutes and wash it off. This home remedy works well for lightening darkened skin on the upper lip. This home remedy is also effective for getting rid of lip wrinkles naturally.


9. Potato Juice Remedy for Discoloration of Skin

Tanning causes dark ring around the mouth. If you have dark skin patches on face caused due to blemishes or sun tan, you can apply potato juice. Potato juice is one of the best dark spot corrector that is quite helpful in removing discoloration on face. Take out potato juice by crushing and squeezing a potato. Apply it on your discolored skin around mouth for 15 minutes. This home remedy is best for removing the tan and dark spots around mouth and making the mouth area fair and blemish-free.


10. Curd and Honey Treatment for Discolored Skin and Hyperpigmentation

A combination of curd, lemon juice, and honey can prove to be beneficial for lightening the dark and red pigmentation around mouth and corners. This will also help to get rid of dryness around mouth area. Curd, lemon juice, and honey have natural bleaching properties to lighten the dark pigmentation around mouth. Take a teaspoon of all the three ingredients and mix it. Apply it over the brown area around the mouth and keep for 20 minutes to reduce dry skin on face and skin discoloration of face. You can also apply this homemade mask on your neck to get rid of dark skin around neck.


11. Lemon Juice and Turmeric Powder Remedy for Skin Discoloration

Lime juice and turmeric applied as a paste on face can fade suntans and darkness around mouth. Take a table spoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of lemon juiceand apply it to lighten the dark skin around the mouth. This homemade dark skin treatment reduces dark circles around mouth, removes dry skin around mouth, and gives shine to the mouth area. Lemon juice remedy will also reduce dark spots on lips.


12. Remove Discoloration of Skin using Olive Oil

Apply and rub olive oil on dry and dark skin around mouth then leave  for about 20 minutes. Another best home remedy for discoloration of skin is to add 2 teaspoons of sugar to 3 teaspoons of olive oil and scrub this exfoliating face pack on your skin around mouth. It will to lighten dark spots around mouth effectively.


13. Get Rid of Dark Spots on Skin using Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil may be beneficial for reducing dark skin spots. You can try massaging your discolored skin around mouth with vitamin E oil to reduce dark skin around lips. You can also have vitamin E supplements on a regular basis for getting rid of dark spots around mouth and dry skin on face. Vitamin E oil mixed with castor oil can be applied on pigmented areas to reduce skin discoloration.

Also Read: 15 Best Home Remedies to Get Rid Of Lip Wrinkles Fast


14. Walnut Remedy for Discoloration of Skin Around Mouth

Coconut oil and walnut powder make good exfoliator for removing dry dark skin patches from the face. To get rid of skin discoloration around mouth and lips, make a paste of coconut oil and crushed walnuts and apply it on your discolored skin around mouth and lips. Massage the scrub gently for a few minutes and rinse with cold water or rose water. This natural home remedy lightens, softens, and smoothens the dark and dry skin around mouth.


15. Egg Whites To Get Rid of Skin Discoloration

You can also use egg whites to get rid of dark spots around mouth. Use a cotton ball to apply egg white as a facial mask to get rid of black around your month. Then, with a warm, wet washcloth, scrub the egg whites off your face very gently. The egg whites have powerful healing qualities which can help to heal your scars, blemishes, hyperpigmentation and dark spots on face. You can also mix 1 egg white with equal amounts of honey and lemon juice to form a thin paste and apply on your face to get rid of discoloration of skin fast.


16. Aloe Vera Remedy for Melasma Skin Discoloration

Aloe vera gel contain properties that promotes cellular regeneration and healthy skin cell turnover too. This gives you new lighter and spotless skin. You can apply aloe vera gel or juice directly on the affected area and leave it for a few minutes. Wash it off with warm water. You can also mix lemon juice and aloe vera gel and then apply onto the discolored skin on face. Pure aloe vera gel contains Mucinous Polysaccharides sometimes referred to as a Aloe Mucilaginous Polysaccharides (AMP) that lighten blemishes, dark spots caused by excessive sun exposure and melasma discoloration.


17. Avocado for Lightening Skin Pigmentation

Avocados are one of the best remedies for hyperpigmentation. Peel an avocado, mash it and apply the juice on the pigmented skin and wash off with warm water. You can also add some milk to avocado paste. This avocado remedy helps in reducing the signs of hyperpigmentation. Avocado is a rich source of Vitamin C, fatty acids and oleic acid, which will help to reduce hyperpigmentation and also provide moisturization and soothing effect to your skin. You can also use avocado pulp to get rid of black spots on lips. Your lips will look red and dark spots will be reduced.


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18. Banana Remedy for Reducing Discoloration of Skin
Banana is a natural skin exfoliator and also helps in skin lightening. Banana is widely used in natural DIY face packs for providing essential nutrients to the skin to keep it moist, supple and young. Take a ripe banana and guava, peel and mash them together and then apply that paste on the disocolration of skin. Let it stay for 5 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. Banana has potassium that helps in reducing the pigmentation. You can also try using banana peels on the discolored skin on face. Banana peels are able to reduce dark spots from sun exposure. Cut a fresh piece of banana peel from a ripe banana and rub it on the affected area until the inside part becomes black completely.

19. Cocoa Butter for Skin Discoloration
Coco butter is the cream that is made from coco beans. Cocoa butter can be used as a massage agent to lighten the hyperpigmentation dark spots, brown splotches and freckles. Pure cocoa butter is also used for reducing dry skin on face. Rub cocoa butter on the skin pigmentation spots and slowly massage it into your skin. Cocoa butter nourishes the skin and prevents the hyper pigmentation from becoming worse.

20. Strawberry Face Mask for Discoloration of Skin
Strawberry is an excellent source of vitamin C and polyphenols such as flavonoids and ellagic acid that help promote fair skin. Its omega- 3 fatty acids help lighten your skin tone so that you get rid of dark circles as well as dark spots. Strawberry mask helps in treating discolored skin. Prepare a mixture of mashed strawberries and kiwi and apply it over the discolored skin on face. Application of crushed strawberries also helps in reducing dark spots on the lips.

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These are some natural remedies that you can try to get rid of dark skin around mouth. Applying these simple home remedies will help you get rid of skin discoloration effectively. It's also essential to consume fresh fruits and vegetables on a consistent basis to get rid of skin discoloration fast. These home remedies to get rid of dark spots around mouth will take some time to show results, but regular use will lead to permanent cure.